Wednesday 30 July 2014

Break Free

Ever noticed how people like bringing back the past no matter how bad or ugly it was. Most of us have remained bound simply because we refuse to let go of what happened years before we were even born. I'm talking about people who keep referring to colonial rule, people who do not realise how racist they are in ignorance, well I'd like to believe it's ignorance.

My Economics tutor cracked a joke in class one day of how racism will forever exist because of how white cars have black wheels and white bread costs more than brown bread. It's funny how people who come up with those jokes are "black" so I thought to myself maybe it's just an inferiority complex we have because of the race we belong to. The problem we all have is we've classified ourselves into "colours" unless one is Indian or Asian of course. We as "black" people remain prisoners of our past because even up to now  we speak of "white peoples sports", "white peoples food", "white peoples songs" etc..

Earlier on today I was thinking of how hard it must be to be white these days. I believe the end of black oppression was the beginning of white oppression. Why do I say so? The process of compensating the previously disadvantaged people has gone a little out of proportion, something that was not intended by the people that fought for our liberation. Weighty men like Nelson Mandela had hoped that we all live in harmony having equal benefits  and equal opportunities in a non excludable manner so what therefore are we trying to say when we speak of Black Economic Empowerment? I was researching information about universities and it struck me that most universities in South Africa have a white population of less than 5% and one would wonder, is that not oppression? Generations before us that actually fought for our freedom wanted equality but we seem to be revenging what was done to them all in the name of recompense.

It's quite sad that even up to now we have black people who resent white people and vice versa. As a foreigner in South Africa my medium of communication is obviously English and I've often been ignored because I'm using the white men's language. This is true for most African countries because of the assumption going round that every black person should communicate in their African language rather than English thus some people earn themselves the title of being "coconuts" simply because they follow the Western Culture. We tend to distort history fighting a battle that was won by those who came before us

You're probably wondering what I'm trying to say, well it's simple, let us as black people not forget the reason why multitudes of men and women sacrificed their lives for our independence. I strongly believe it was not for us to hold a better place in society but for us to live equally with every person not bearing in mind which race they belong to. Mandela said “No one is born hating another person because of the colour of his skin, or his background, or his religion. People must learn to hate, and if they can learn to hate, they can be taught to love, for love comes more naturally to the human heart than its opposite.”  Therefore let us love one another, black, white, Indian Asian, and any other race cause when all is said and done we're all people.    

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