Saturday 30 June 2018

The Journey...

Woke up today feeling like writing, so here it is. 

“Don’t be in such a rush to reach your ‘destination’. 
There’s beauty in the process.”

So this is what society teaches us in not so many words; life is journey, but don’t focus on the journey, focus on arriving, focus on the end goal, the destination. And so we conform to what society requires of us, spend our days fixated on reaching a certain place; a place of happiness, fulfillment, success and whatever else the one who has ‘arrived’ possesses.

Now don’t get me wrong, there’s nothing wrong with setting goals and working towards them, the problem starts when this obsession of arriving deprives us of enjoying the journey. The same journey that is meant to help us grow and learn, the same journey that prepares us for that next phase of life. Now notice I said next phase of life, because there’s never really a place of arrival, unless you’re into that kind of settling for less, 'Sky Is The Limit' type of life.

What I’m trying to say is enjoy the journey, take it all in because there’s beauty in the process. Let it evoke all kinds of emotion; tears of joy and the pain that comes with tears. I think what makes the process so beautiful is the self discovery that comes with it; how you never really know what you’re capable of until it’s you and the situation, how you never really know the kind of person you are until your character is tested. So yes, have your eyes on your goals but most importantly, have them on the journey. 

See it. Experience it. Live through it.