Monday 1 December 2014


Ever found yourself uttering the words “do you trust me” and there after biting your lower lip wondering if you’re going to get the yes you’re expecting. Reality is when you ask someone that question secretly you hope they don’t ask you too. Why so? We’ve mistaken trust with falling and expecting someone to catch you or putting your life on the line because you trust someone. Just because you don’t believe every single word the person says doesn’t mean you don’t trust them. Just like love trust is found in your heart. You will say you trust someone and remain with a question mark of whether you really do and there are times you will say it just for the sake of saying it.  Trust is hearing a different story to what the person is telling you, believing it but letting go of what you’ve heard the other person say because their side of the story matters less than what this particular person is telling you. Trust is knowing that no one is perfect and being able to overlook their mistakes. Trust is hoping that next time she will get it right, it is unmerited belief in someone or something. It’s not because they are being honest, it’s that you hope it would turn out to be true. After all, no one checks if the chair can support them before they sit, even that is trust.